God is truly the source of all skill and the goal of all labor.

These opening words, spoken by music director, D.J. Jackson, at the 2006 Baccalaureate Chapel, gave me pause to think about what I've accomplished and how thankful I am for the opportunities I have experienced.

The Baccalaureate Chapel was a powerful opportunity to assemble with the other graduates to give thanks and celebrate what God has allowed us to achieve. We sang traditional hymns, reflected on our achievements, heard some words of encouragement, and prayed for our future.

2006 Baccalaureate Chapel with Dr. John MacArthur.jpg

Dr. John MacArthur admonished the graduates:
You will be a product of your influences. Choose very well, those whom you allow to shape your life. "... everyone when he is fully trained, will be like his master." Luke 6:40
He went on to discuss how we should carefully consider our goals, and how we approach life, allowing God to work through us.

As a computer geek, allow me to describe this in geek notation:

Input is what we feed into our minds. Processing is what we do with that information. Output, is what we accomplish during our brief lifetime on earth.

My take on this: When all is said and done, at the end of our life, what really matters is what kind of eternal impact we have made. Everything else, when considered from eternity, is of no significant value. That does not mean that we should not engage in daily activities; it means that whatever we do, we should do it for the glory of God, working, not as unto men, but as unto the Lord. A godly perspective will certainly change our approach and our motives for the things that we do.

I'm thankful for this opportunity to study business from a biblical perspective. With traditional business textbooks in one hand and a Bible in the other, I was able to look at these subjects from a godly perspective. This approach, combined with excellent instruction has added richly to my life experience.

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