The RoboNexus conference exhibition hall
was not too crowded on Friday. We saw a variety of robots from consumer
models to entertainment robots to autonomous military robots. iRobot had
a large display with their military
and consumer robots. Many people were interested in iRobot's consumer productivity
robots that vacuum (Roomba)
and wash (Scooba)
floors. Kathy asked if Roomba could really suck up things like cheerio's
or dog hair. The representative dumped out a box of granola into the carpet
and Roomba went to work sucking it up. Most of it. I'm convinced that these
robots work best if you live in a museum with no furniture and have no
children, toys, or pets. Actually, the demonstrations were pretty good.
I found the autonomous and remote controlled reconnaissance
and rescue robots much more
Barton was there with his
Hollywood menagerie. The girls thought it was neat to see C-3P0 up close.
Gort and Robby were in fine form, too.
The girls and I attended several fascinating presentations. One demonstrated
the benefits of two-wheel platforms for robotics. (Think Segway). I'm convinced.
Much easier to move around and navigate obstacles. Amy and Wendy want to
remove the casters from bubble bot and see if we can get him to balance
on two wheels.
The other presentation demonstrated a soccer-playing robot. Think of an
Imperial Storm trooper about 24" tall. This guy would walk around
the field, find the ball, line himself up with the goal, and kick to score.
The theme for this year's FLL Robotics Competition is undersea robotics.
Amy and Wendy spent some time examining the underwater robot from Santa
Clara University. Jeff Ota, Adjunct Professor and Research Associate was
very accommodating in showing us how the robot worked.
It was a fun conference. More fun for me, however, was the opportunity
to spend some time with my family. It's been really difficult to be away
for so long.
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