Meet The Macks

Monday, October 4th, 2004
Kathy, Kelly, Wendy, Emily, Amy, and Eric display their AWANA awards
About us        Living in beautiful Pine Mountain Club, our family is very much school oriented.  With Mom as our teacher and Dad as our principle, it very much becomes a family activity.  We also enjoy taking fun field trips to see the places we learn about.

 Our house is almost never quiet, as all four girls love playing instruments and singing together.  One never knows when they might burst into song!  Amy and Wendy play in a handbell choir and are learning to play the violas, and Emily and Kelly enjoy singing in choir and learning how to play their ukuleles.

Dinner is never dull as there always seems to be some conversation or debate going on.  We all love debating, and sometimes this talks continue long after dinner is finished.
 Perhaps our favorite family activity is after dinner when we can all gather around and watch a family movie together.  Our family has chosen not to have cable television, instead we watch many old (but good) movies.  Some of our favorites are the Dick van Dyke show,  Andy Griffith Show,  Bob Hope and Bing Crosby, Ma and Pa Kettle, etc.

 We hope you enjoy reading this blog – we had a lot of fun putting it together.

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